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Rollerscreen is an innovative PPE product designed to protect you and your colleagues from the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses such as Covid-19. Rollerscreen is a durable plastic protective screen that can be easily installed to fit most work environments, providing a protective layer between your staff and customers for more hygienic and safe interaction. As well as being quick and easy to install, Rollerscreen is a low-cost option when it comes to personal protective equipment in the workplace, and can be easily cleaned with a mild household detergent to ensure hygienic and safe workplace operations. Rollerscreen can be operated by hand on a roller similar to traditional blinds and can also be electronically remote-controlled to allow for quick and easy operating. If you’re looking for a smart solution to workplace PPE, look no further than AC Blinds & Awnings’s Rollerscreen solutions.

For protective screen PPE that you can trust, get in touch with our team about Rollerscreen today.

Protective Screen PPE For The Workplace, Including:

Hardware Stores
Reception Desks
And More

Easy to Install, Low-Cost, Reliable PPE in the Workplace

When it comes to the health and safety of your customers and colleagues, never take a risk

Rollerscreen plastic screens are the perfect solution to workplace PPE, providing a protective screen barrier between you and your customers to ensure that you can continue business operations while still keeping your staff and loyal customers free from harm from dangerous bacteria and viruses. For the best in workplace personal protective equipment, why not speak to a member of our team today?

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